Posted by Charles Chase on Oct 11, 2019
Crime Victim Right’s Advocate, Becky Roller, from the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and Morgan Torres were on hand to tell members that their job is to assist victims through the prosecutor’s office by attending court hearings with victims and even provide areas for them to stay while in a courthouse and insure that their rights are met.  "We want to be part of the healing process", Becky said.
Their office is 100% grant funded through the State of Michigan. Victims, she said, have the right to restitution and submit the orders to the restitution department in a timely manner. They also have a right to compensation. If victims are physically injured in an incident and required care by a hospital or physician, a form can be filled out requesting payment for those expenses so there won’t be late fees. The victim still needs to reimburse the office for those charges.
Every year there is a Crime Victim’s Awareness Week usually every April to honor victims and those who serve them. Awards to law enforcement officers are presented at a regular Board of Commissioners’ meeting. An art contest was even set up for local high schools students. The office also sponsors the Annual Hot Dog Fest that provides clothing and hygiene items for victims of sexual violence.
Becky said that she is currently working on “A Courthouse Guide for Children” which victims of abuse can take home and work on the activities in it. Becky concluded by saying that she had been trained in Mass Causality Assistance and even was involved in the incident this past summer in Las Vegas.