Becky Selenko from the Lenawee County Health Department was on hand to tell us about their Children’s Health Care Services program (formerly known as the Crippled Children’s Program) in particular that assists children and some adults (21 and under) with chronic health care needs. There are about 300 families currently in the program that have been referred by medical professionals.
There are more than 2,700 medical conditions that may qualify children for coverage including diabetes, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, hearing loss, cystic fibrosis and blood disorders. Any condition where a child needs to see a specialist for care (like a doctor at the University of Michigan or Toledo Hospital) may qualify.
Families of every income, as well as those with private insurance, can join. The child's medical condition, not income, determines who qualifies. Patients in need of care must be residents of Michigan to qualify. Some families may pay a fee to join based on their income. CSHCS will pay the medical bills for these persons to see specialty providers and pay for care related to their condition. This care may include surgery, medications, equipment and hospitalizations. CSHCS can also help provide, or cover, transportation costs to these appointments.
For more info about this program you are asked to call the Lenawee Health Department at (527) 264-5228.