Luke said that the main goal of his presentation was to “market the Adrian Noon Rotary club as good as possible and that the easiest way was through Facebook”! He went on to say that we were not using it as much as we should to promote our club on this social media site.
Luke asked everyone to take out their phones and connect to FB. He said that when we are scrolling through pages on our own FB page, you’ll see a lot of others’ postings come up. Those “comments”, “likes” and “shares”, he said, that come up are generated through something called algorithms. They are designed to keep people on FB by feeding you more of the content you want to see. Those getting more “likes” and “shares” will post more to your FB and other’s FB site. So, when a Rotary post comes up, be sure and comment on it, “like” it and then “share” it. Those pages that you, yourself, click “like” and “share”, Luke said, will continue to be sent more often than others.
Luke then spoke about administrators of our FB page. Yours Truly is one as well as Like. They can post to the site. Since it’s important to have content on the content page, Luke said. “The more we have, the better”. So, that means we really need more administrators. Members who volunteered were: Jim Potthast, Mike Olsaver, Brent Mercer, Allen Slater, Rod Hokenson, Pattie Ellerholz and Kathye Herrera. The easiest way to add content to our site, he said, was to do it from our phones which requires a special app. We should not post content from our club’s FB page, Luke said. That app is called Pages Manager. Pages Manager lets you manage up to 50 Pages from your smartphone or tablet. You can check Page activity, share with your audience and see insights. Right now, the app is available on iPhone, iPad and Android in some countries. Download Pages Manager: From the iTunes App Store.  
Luke said that once we add administrators to our club’s FB page, we should all be posting content at least once a day. If we have just 2 admins, and they both post once a week, that’s only two posts per week. But, if we have 7 who post once a week, we are actually increasing our posts to once a day! That will spread info about our club to a much greater segment of the population who may eventually want to join our club. In closing, Luke said Facebook is the most effective program to promote our club and it will be so much easier if we all did what we could to do that.