Ann Knisel introduced Melissa Wilson, Cradle to Career (C2C) Students Success Network Reading by 3rd Grade chair.
The Cradle to Career program is a partnership pilot project that encourages youngsters to read during the summer months and build links between community resources and area schools. Only 64 other cities in the country run such a program. Ann identified the five core categories of the C2C program: Reading Readiness, Reading by 3rd Grade, High school Graduation, Secondary Enrollment and Completion, and Customized Learning.
Melissa, chair of the Reading by 3rd Grade Program, shared ideas about what the LISD thinks kids should be doing in the summer months while out of school. One idea is to provide a really memorable summer experience for kids as well as grow literacy in the home. Partners of the program include the Y.M.C.A., Family Center as well as the Boys & Girls Club who serve to enhance the LISD’s summer program. Among the specific practices, Melissa said, they would like to eventually implement are:
  1. A leadership team comprised of instructional leaders
  2. An organizational climate reflecting a collective sense of responsibility for all children
  3. Ongoing professional learning opportunities reflecting research on adult learning
  4. A consistent family engagement strategy
It is typical, Melissa said, that while the children are home they don’t have books to read. This program is designed to supply an “abundant supply of books” kids can have access to in order to increase their literacy skills. Also part of the program were reading camps for kids. They all received several free books following the camp experience they could each take home with them. All-in-all, this program, its tools and resources will go a long way to benefit the 3rd graders in this community. Incidentally, our club has supported the C2C program in the past.