Mark Murray introduced Troy who has been in law enforcement for over 30 years. During his career he has done “some IT stuff” as well, he said. He and his wife, Sandy, have lived in Tecumseh for 23 years. Troy commented on the work being done at the Sheriff’s office on Maple Avenue and said he still attends weekly construction meetings. There will be an official open house once the work is completed sometime in September, he said.
He said he was glad to report that there were no major crime sprees going on currently in the county but they have received a number of calls reporting various scams. He said he has many wonderful staff (over 100) and employees and that he is looking forward to serving all of Lenawee County and if there was anything we need, to stop by or call. He closed by encouraging each of us to take time to commend a deputy when we see them as they put their lives on the lines every day to protect us since “it is a scary time to be in this line of work today”.